Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Day the Dem's Lost

I think I might be calling it: today is the day that the Democrats lost the election.

I thought it might last a little longer.

Fucking Ferraro tossed out the race card.
I thought we might get through the primary, but the Clinton camp has power in their eyes and greed in their hearts. They pulled out the oldest of political tricks, float a line of thought out that is too ugly to claim, so ugly it must be denied, and claim no responsilility.

Fitting that they saddled up an old hack like Geraldine Ferraro, part of the losingest ticket the DNC has put out in history. Ferraro laid out the race thing, in a manner so absurd Hillary has to dissassociate. Gerardine is expendable, not a close or crucial part of the campaign machinations. The rube.

Or are we the rube.

I figured this issue would float for another few months at least. Nobody likes the self-examination involved in addressing any sub-surface race issues they might be carrying around.
But here it is. I have already heard some folks muttering their latent racial discomfort, and I am in San Francisco the liberal land of fruits and nuts. This shit will boil up in middle Amerika, with the aging boomer crackers considering how the spics and the niggers have spoiled shit. Those thoughts and words are out there and you know it.

Obama has skated over the issue, by looking less than black and being nice. His actions have inspired the youth and outsider crowds where the whole bit about him being black and knowing a crazy preacher are non-issues.
There are a whole lot of those silently racist boomer fucks to trip him up though, folks raised with racism as a subtext to casual conversation, with fear of marches and Malcom X and discontent about Mexicans taking their jobs.

It is understood only as a political history lesson to a lot of us, but that was scary shit to a good number of kids spawned from the "greatest generation" and they aren't want to forget much beyond their failures and shortcomings. For all of the peace and love talk, there was as much not said about racial politics. Things not said until, as an example, Ferraro opens her pie hole and spits out some shit about how lucky Obama is to be a black guy running for office.

Right. It's all luck that there is another generation's worth of piss and shit being left at our feet. Luck that there is another generation that could use some hope in the face of the god-damned shit pile being served up by the previous pig-fuckers in power. Barack is lucky to have grown up in a covertly oppressive society, which is killing off affirmative action in response to the oppression of the rights of poor young white kids.

Fuck me. Fuck the sour cracker bastards I heard bitching about how a black dude better not get elected. Fuck those Romney party shits in Michigan, fighting to strike down affirmative action at Michigan State because some genuinely impoverished black kid got a scholarship instead of their fat, pastey, Nintendo playing, son of a UAW bastard child. Fuck Ferraro and fuck the Clinton's for playing this card before we even get to the game.

I hope I am wrong. I hope there are a whole slew of boomers who have dealt with the racism that they carry deep down, that can see past the fear seed Ferraro has planted. I hope there are a bus load of "brown" voters who care to act on this pathetic offense to any progress their people have made in spite of old, white political power structures. I hope there are a stadium full of college students who just keep doing what they did for Hillary's husband, some short years ago, for Obama this time. I hope the DNC super-delegates aren't as shallow a pack greed heads as I believe they are.

Prove me wrong.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love it, watching your Dems self destruct......

Maha Rush