Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bugging Republicans

There has to be some unease in the hearts of GOP-ers these days.

That nagging sensation that even though John McCain is an undeniable national hero, commendable Senator and all around good guy - underneath it all, he might be a Democrat.
There, I said it. He might even be a liberal!

Think back to 2000, John was talking with those lefty champions of welfare and tree-hugging. Talking about hopping the aisle, right?
Word is that our man McCain never got the engraved invitation, and that is why didn't go from one canoe to the other mid-stream.
Oh, and there was that period when he was considering running as the VeeP to Kerry, huh? Boy, unless he was working as a secret elephant party agent, going undercover to discover the secret ingredients in Heinz 57, that just seems odd.

I mean that just doesn't sound like a man who is exactly true blue to the party.

Through the whole primary deal, John has always been a person of interest to me. For these very reasons, along with his voting record.
Hell, I almost went Republican - just to vote for him in the California primary. I wanted to get all of that Romney talk squashed, 'cause Mitt was just too creepy.

A vote for McCain, in that primary seemed as valuable as one for Obama, to me.
So, even if I think the Dem's have thrown away the election - it could be that we'll end up with a latent, closet Dem in the White House anyway.

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