Friday, December 2, 2011

Funky Boss Friday

I have inferred some issues with my recent employ...
Not out of the desire to keep things secret from you, but rather to allow some conversations to run their course in that forum.

Well, we have collectively agreed to disagree on some things I felt crucial for my own success and reputation, professionally.
We have also agreed that my relationship with them is at an end...

In that spirit, I give you this.

Sure, this is not the ideal moment to walk away from a job...

It is also not the time to struggle through work that you know you are not gonna have in a month.

So I said fuck it, I want better, or worse with less headaches.

Note: My boss was neither bald or funky and entirely empathized with the stand I took. He is also out of a gig in a few weeks and an entirely good dude I feel rewarded for working with. My whole scene got way out of hand, with expectations not matching incentives. Sometimes, one comes to inconvenient conclusions in regards to what "the man" wants. I did and have decided that change is gonna come, on my terms.

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