Friday, October 10, 2008

McCain Swings Wildly

McCain is going all in, with the release of his most recent ads which attempt to tie Obama to Bill Ayers, former member of the Weather Underground.

I am not going to bother posting the commercial here, because if you care to see it - it is easy to find.

It seems a slow witted, desparate move on the part of John, his shiny object sidekick and the RNC.

Emphasize Barack's association with a 60's radical.
An association based on involvement in a public committee.
A committe partially funded by the RNC.

I am not here defending Ayers or the actions of the Weather Underground, today. I am not even going to attempt to mitigate Obama's association with him. Nearly anybody active in education, in Chicago, could suffer from similar criticism.

It does open the door to some review of McCain's more maverick pals.

G. Gordon Liddy?
Liddy is a close friend to McCain, and also has some history of less than legal activities.

Sarah and her husband were actually active in a group seeking to separate Alaska from the Union.
I am guessing there are some pretty radical folks at those meetings, huh?
I am just pointing out that they were sitting around the "kitchen table" talking about declaring their independence from the United States.

Our current political system makes it pretty easy to draw associations between any candidate and some unsavory people or activity.

And remember, should you decide to run for some office - your past can be tied to me.
Who knows what kind of crazy shit I might have done.
You might have even been there...

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