Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why I Aught-a

It is that time of year, I suppose.
When you read piles of folks blathering on about last year.
We even get blubbering about the past decade this go around.

I am going to spare you that cruelty of my own worthless word pile.

Instead, here are a couple interesting things to go read.

Over at The Daily Kos-

I was nice about it. I didn't make any demands on 2000. I didn't fuss that we were nowhere near launching that manned mission to Jupiter's moons, that we hadn't broken regolith on the lunar base, or that Pan Am's service to the orbital hotel was very far behind schedule. I did not even demand that most basic right of every American -- my own flying car.

Bruce Sterling chats up the world status over at The Well-

*Y'know, these very dark imaginings of utter civilizational mayhem --
I have to confess I don't find them very interesting. People always ask
me about 'em, more so now than before, but I'm unmoved. It's routine.

*When I was a college student in the 1970s, cataclysms were pretty
interesting to me, in a kind of edgy "No Future" punk way. By now
they've been almost completely mainstreamed. As a creative, I find
that they lack their old charm.

What manner of crap have you got on your mind, with this new decade bearing down on us?

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