Thursday, August 13, 2009


It is that time of year again...

The season when folks haul themselves across a flat stretch of salt as fast as they can.

Know what is missing?

You and me, brother.

Hell, it's almost over.

Somebody died this year.
Tipped over a car at over 200mph
Tragic...but I suppose there are worse ways to go.

Another guy up'd the carburated, wheel driven, streamliner record, if I'm not mistaken.
Topped 300mph.
That's about twenty five miles per hour faster than where the bar was.
That is fast.

My pal and occasional source of hotrod advise drug his partially completed car out for the inspectors to look over.
He'll be taking a swing at putting his name in the books next year.

Most all reports are that it has been a damned fine year on the salt.

Maybe next year...

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