Ah, it is that time of year, is it not.
The time of year when the story of the spirit of friendship and giving fills the head and the heart.
Yes I am speaking of the Bert & Ernie holiday moment, from Sesame Street.
Oh it is magical.

Ernie, out of fraternal affection for his room mate Bert, pawns his rubber duck - in order to gather enough scratch to buy a cigar box. A cigar box for his pal Bert to store his paperclips in.

At nearly the same moment, with great irony, Bert is selling his paperclips. Selling his paperclips for the coin to buy a soap dish for his pal Ernie to store his rubber duck upon.
Doesn't it all just make you wanna smile.
Isn't the whole thing a little weird, now that you look at it from the outside.
What the hell was Mr. Hooper thinking, buying used rubber ducks and paperclips?
Who collects paperclips?
A rubber duck?
Two guys as "room mates"?
There are many more questions than answers with Bert & Ernie.
Yet their spirit of giving, their affection and generosity towards one another is undeniable.
It makes me want to go out and sell some strangely personal, worthless object I possess, some trinket I covet yet holds no intrinsic value - and take that pittance of change to go buy you some worthless storage thing for you to keep your own creepy little fetishist object of infatuation in.
I assume you are similarly inspired.
With this act, the two of us will be drawn closer through the journey of monetizing some creepy secret part of ourselves in order to support the other in some icky personal self-pleasuring past time.
This truly is a wonderful time of year.
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