Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The UnDead, Cont'd

KVC and I were at the bookstore, yesterday. With my current zombie obsession, I couldn't help but notice this book.

I didn't pick up a copy. I think it needs to get into the hands of the masses, before mine. I am reasonably ready to whup up some zombie, I think.
I did give the book a quick look, however. Lots of good info on what to do to prepare for - and deal with the attack of the UnDead.

Recommended reading...

As it stands, nobody has opined on the zombie vs. vampire issue. I am still dwelling on the double UnDead question.

Do mummies count as zombies?


Melissa Vogley Woods said...

I dont think mummys are like zombies, mummys move a little slower and are more confused, where zombies want to eat you.

Scott Bartley said...

Melissa, right. So perhaps the mummy is more a product of some curse thing - as where being zombie seems to be more like catching an undead cold?