Friday, March 15, 2013

Last Nights Dream

I like the ones like this, they are funny...

So, last night's dream had me walking around kind of a movie set feeling place...
It was sorta the back lot of Matt Groenig's head, if that makes sense.
The people were real and the actors were all getting made up into animated characters, with costumes, make up and movie magic.
I was just roaming around, taking it all in...
This one actor guy, who was presumably some big deal dude, takes issue with me asking some questions to the crew getting him all robot suited.
"Do you know who I am?" he snapped at me...
"Yeah, you're grey robot number two, right?  Needs more grey."
I got kicked out, after that.

Escorted out of my own dream.
How does that work?

1 comment:

abpaulson said...

this reminds me, i think you would like this: