Monday, March 18, 2013

Subterfuge and American Politics

Well, here is an interesting, if depressingly short article on Presidential tapes...

Back from the days when the idea of preserving presidential actions was regarded as appropriate and necessary for historical record.
It reveals the trouble with that, and why nobody in charge seems quite so eager to get on board with the eavesdropping for posterity plan any more.

The short - LBJ knew Nixon blew up the (Paris) talks to find some peace in Viet Nam, in '68, and chose to keep that secret.  That he considered a last minute jump into that election, but took a pass.

Nixon went on to win that election, by small margin, expanded the war and you know the rest...

So, yeah, that suggests actions in Viet Nam, post 1968, could have been avoided.
Just ponder that, for a minute. In the full round.  From all sides.

It seems like a rather big story, despite having happened more than two days ago.  Large enough that you might imagine hearing it through some domestic news channel, Ken Burns documentary, Oliver Stone short film, or something?
Thanks, BBC.

Maybe it's been all over and I missed it?

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