Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This Campaign

Been pondering on this campaign cycle, just like the rest of you I suppose.
No, I am not one of those "undecided" voters...
I am not sure how one could be, really.

I was considering the Romney campaign, I guess.
Their operation seems a bit off and that barrage of bad press over the last week or so sure didn't help.
What I was wondering about was their pitch, what they are trying to sell...
You know - jobs, Mitt is a successful business man, healthcare is bad, cut taxes, jobs.

That whole spiel doesn't quite seem to be bringing the returns that campaign needs, so I got to thinking about talking points that the GOP has really skipped this year that might appeal to both Tea Party people and folks on the far left...
You know - the Patriot Act, increased international drone strikes, authorized killings of US civilians on foreign soil, domestic surveillance.
It seems like Mittens could actually make some hay with that line of talk, or at least soften the turn out of some far left voters.  Those talking points are all good old fashioned freedom and liberty kinda shit, that should be just fine for folks on the right.

Neither party really wants to pull back on the civil liberties erosion and expansion of executive powers, I suppose.  Nobody wants to miss out on all that fun, when their dude gets the big boy seat.  That is the really fun part of being in charge, right?

It amazes me that come election season, the whole of our conversation is replay of so many past versions.  Campaigns pick up topics that should just be done or need a complete revision.
The GOP sort of stepped on their own trap, with the choice/abortion conversation this year.  That line really only appeals to a pretty specific demographic, a shrinking demographic.
This posturing on China seems a bit absurd, from both parties this week.  Germany has done a pretty fair job of reevaluating their relations with China, with out all the chest thumping, and found a degree of cooperation and success.
Of course the GOP has been all about chest thumping on an assortment of foreign policy matters, up to and including Russia.  That is just their thing I guess.

I don't think any real progress in this whole politics bog will be made until one of these parties goes off standard script and moves to a dialog/agenda of actual change, with an accounting of our domestic situations and world affairs...
Both parties have failed at any real message this fall, beyond the same message I have heard in every presidential election I can remember.

Perhaps the debates will be a forum these candidates to air some talking points beyond the standard campaign menu items.  I kinda doubt that, though...

It's enough to make me wish that third party guy would talk about something other than weed...

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