Thursday, October 27, 2011

Don't Occupy Oakland

I am pretty sure you have heard about the whole cop/protester clash in Oakland by now. How about that shit, man?

That is how the OPD roll, I gotta say. They do not mess around.
They're rough, aggressive cops in a dangerous city. Their relationship with the populace is, at best tense, due to a few decades of extreme racial tension, gang warfare and a shoot first reputation.

The bit with the tear gas canister shot at a protesters head, that is pretty harsh...

Of course, the dude was a vet too. Back from a couple tours in Iraq, a Veteran for Peace member.
Got his skull fractured by a projectile shot at him...after coming home from a literal war.

There is a pretty thorough accounting over here.-

And yeah, I am getting news on an event in Oakland via a UK news source.
Somehow, I imagine the story might be less biased than what I might read in the Wall Street Journal...

I also have to say that you can't convince me this was accidental. Cops know what happens when they launch those canisters level into a crowd. People get hurt. The OPD have also straight up lied about the use of flash-bang grenades in the incident.
Oakland police are also not unpracticed in crowd/riot control. The city has one or two big protests a year, usually in response to a black kid getting off'd by a cop.

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