Sunday, September 6, 2009

Let the Eagle Soar

It is a rare two'fer music day at pretty not good...

Why, because of the 9th District Court.
The 9th District Court is why.

Because I feel as though I am the only person paying attention to what might be the biggest news story of this year.

See, Idaho's 9th Court ruled on an appeal regarding John Ashcroft's ability to claim immunity in his actions leading up to the Iraq war.

John has been saying that his position as a cabinet level member of the Bush administration, national security issues and a rafter of other bullshit allow immunity for cases in those regards and preclude him from any associated personal liability.

If you will be so patient to think back, following 9/11, we rounded up a shit ton of Muslim Americans.
Because they might be terrorists.

There was no evidence of their being terrorists of course...
It just seemed like an good idea to Bush and his crew to round up some towel-heads.
So we did.

And it was wrong...

It seems that it occurred to a few of those poor saps who were locked up for weeks, or more, to look for some recompense for their time and humiliation.
Some justice...
Some restitution for their being locked up, in spite of any Constitutional rights we all may be allowed to...
Something to make up for the life they dreamed of, an American dream, stolen away for a crazy God-monkey vision of revenge.

One of the people named in their suit was John Ashcroft.

They haven't had much luck with that...
The supposed "terrorists".
Not so much interest from courts in addressing this.


There has been a lot of talk about national security and what have you in these random Muslim dude's case.
Not so much interest in facts.
Though, at this point, a lot of folks from that administration admit they were out in loony land, the Bushies have been held away from any demand for justification for their actions.

Things like facts and evidence have played a shockingly unrepresented role in the accounting for eight years of fuck peddling.

Most courts, to this point, have been willing to go along with a bit of post-Bush administration degree of disregard.

But the Federal 9th District Court of Appeals!

Those three crazy Fox News expose targets...

They have decided that there is, in fact, a bit of personal responsibility for a member of Bush's cabinet.

It turns out that they think that unlawful imprisonment is in fact wrong, in accord with our Constitution.
And with that, people responsible for this wrongful imprisonment are possibly to be held responsible.

Christ, it is not much, but...

That is something.

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