Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Gorn

Following my post on the Creeper, I thought I might speak of some of my other favourite villains.

Right at the top of my list - The Gorn

The Gorn are featured in a sweet episode of Star Trek. I am no Trekkie, but this episode is extra-awesome. Kirk is sent to battle another inter-stellar space ship captain, by some hyper conscious/intelligent dude. His adversary, some slow moving lizard guy. The Gorn.

I am not sure if the lizard dude was named Gorn, or the whole lizard race was called Gorn. It doesn't matter, either way.

The Gorn was a super villain to the nines. He was kinda ugly and had a hiss/weeze thing going on. The Gorn moved at a snail-like pace in his pursuit of Cappy Kirk, perhaps to add to the over-arching tension of their battle.

The Gorn seemed a little sad, to me. It seemed as though he might suffer from some manner of giant lizard asthma, and maybe some corns or foot thing.

Yet, keep in mind, The Gorn was a cold blooded giant lizard guy - ready to make lunchmeat of the handsome Jimmy Kirk.

Kirk shot the guy with a mystic crystal bazooka thing.
Oh, the humanity.
If I remember correctly, ol' James T refused to off The Gorn, in the end, much to the disappointment of the super smart puppet master of the battle.

I think we could all learn some deep and meaningful crap from Cap'n Kirk and The Gorn.


M. Henri said...

le capitain kirk est vraiment super-kool!!! je l'aime beaucoup. il est rade, chic, n'est-pas? s'il etait president, il envoyera des torpedoes proton aux Iran. parce-que il est super-kool comme-ca.

oui, le capitain kirk est un vrai homme. on peut apprendre beaucoup de lui.

au revoir................agent M

Scott Bartley said...

Well said, Agent M. I couldn't agree more...