Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last Nights Dreams

So I had three separate dreams that I was gonna tell you about from last night.
I dozed off and forgot them, though.
So this post is pretty damned pointless...

I do remember that I was wearing the same clothes in all three dreams.
It wasn't the same narrative, or anything.
I woke up between each and laid awake, stating at the ceiling for a bit.
Then back to sleep, new dream, same clothes...

This all still seems pretty pointless, right?

It has me wondering though, what do people wear in their dreams and why?
Obviously, the brain is constructing a whole thing, story, environment, other people, everything...

Is the you in your dreams sorta an approximation  of the you that you imagine yourself being?
It seems odd, as that you part is the only thing that the brain has exacting knowledge of...

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