Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Walter Kirn takes a moment to ponder the role of Ohio in this years election, over at The New Republic...

In my new, more realistic understanding of American democracy, gained just this year from a thousand expert sources, the role of all but a portion of the electorate is to show up at their polling places tomorrow and dutifully cancel out one another’s votes so that Ohio can choose our president.

Now, that is just the opening and his observations are bound to offend nearly anybody actually living in the state of Ohio.  I grew up there, and some of the words sting.
The whole read over here...

Having been away for some time, I do have distance and can appreciate some of the observations made.

Not posting this to offend anyone reading, who may be from Ohio, though it will get your ire up I am sure.
More just a op-ed that hit me closer to home than I thought it might.  Some cutting and, perhaps, accurate observations on my home state...

And reason to consider how much Ohio not only shaped me, but also the continuing course of our nation.

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