Monday, August 14, 2017


This weekend, white nationalists, Nazi sympathizers, actual self declared Nazis gathered together to promote their (protected) vitriol and voice their dismay that some statues of actual traitors to this nation are to be removed.

And people were killed...

There are actual Nazis fighting with and killing our fellow citizens.
Nazis, white nationalists, beating and killing people in our streets.
That is a reality of today.

Now if you thought that is active racism had gone away in the past few decades, I am not sure you have been paying attention.
It's been here all along, an unfortunate component of our national identity, really.
Now, again, increasingly obstinate and overt...

Fucking hell, man...

And now we get to watch as everybody points fingers at some other party, because nobody is personally responsible.
"Oh, the cops should have done more."
"Geez, those counter protesters were not very nice."
"Gosh, I planned a Nazi fun time party, but had no idea people would be naughty and mean."
"Heck, I didn't even know that guy in the car."

These people got together to express their displeasure that a statue depicting a traitorous secessionist, who led an army in the fight for continued slave ownership was being removed...
And to have a goddamned race fear circle jerk, while waving around tiki torches.

This is the state of the nation...

I am not sure if I am more angry or embarrassed.

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