Monday, December 1, 2014

Mountain Monday

I am not sure if I am suffering from early onset cabin fever, or what...

Been thinking a lot about mountains lately.
I like mountains.

Haven't really thought about standing on one for some years.  It's something I recommend, if you haven't done it.

There is a certain satisfaction derived from dragging boots above a treeline and standing on a squishy glacier.

It's like finding that perfect parking spot at the mall...

(Really, it's not like that at all.)

Anyway, here I am.  Looking at maps and shit.  Rummaging through boxes of thrice moved gear, doing inventory on what might still work.  Reading up on knot tying, though I don't think I need much more than one for the shoes, given the hills close at hand.

All of this sort of thing used to be highly valued to me.  Somehow, over time, after moves and alternating life priorities this part of me got put up on the shelf.  Might be time to dust it off...

Also, in case you are wondering, it's necessary to pull out an atlas, 'cause this is the ocean state and it is decidedly lacking in any actual mountains.

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