Saturday, September 25, 2010

Last Nights Dream

It had something to do with Captain Kirk, shelving and my cousin, Kevin.

There was a wedding, or something, going on as well...
In the background.

I only know this because, as in real life, I had escaped into a nearby bar.
Where I happened to cross paths with James T. Kirk...

We struck up a conversation and he kept going on about these shelves and how great they were - he just had to show me...
So we struck out from the bar, to look at the damned things.

Outside, I noticed that the rate of erosion was rather startling.
Earth was going down holes like water down the drain.
We discussed if the ground holding a bridge we needed to cross would hold up the pilings, by the time we got back...

Anyway, Kirk and I get to the stupid shelves he is so keen on - and it turns out it is something that my cousin and I had assembled...
I tell Kirk as much, and mention that they were a lot nicer when they were first built.

The quick moving surface of the ground had undermined the shelves a bit, you know...

No matter, James T. is just stoked to meet the guys who put up the shelves.
He wants to give us some sort of award, or something...

Luckily, my cousin Kevin was also in attendance at the wedding, or whatever.
Kirk and I head back to round him up.
Kevin is happy to get out of the weird social thing, so he bolts with us into the back alley.
After introductions and more talk about stupid shelves, Kirk whips out these lime green Star Trek shirts and presents them to us...

We pull them on and do that fist pump thing people are always doing in movie posters.

That was it.

What do you think?

Something about environmentally sound shelving being needed in the world?

Perhaps it was about the way time erodes relationships? 'Cause I don't think I have seen Kevin for two decades...and, you know, I am kinda deep like that.

What really stood our, for me, was just how great those green Star Trek shirts looked...

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