Friday, September 10, 2010

The Dapper Dog

Did you know that it is National Hot Dog Day?

Hell, I didn't either...
Who keeps track of hot dog day?

I did plan on telling you about The Dapper Dog, however, and today seems like a good day for that...

The DD is a neighborhood food cart, which lands intermittently a block or so from where I sit.

As you might imagine, they serve up hot dogs.

Chicago dogs, plain old dogs, chili dogs, the usual...
But then they mix in some odd stuff, like toppings of mac n cheese or mashed potatoes.
Fun stuff.

Perfect food to satisfy your inner seven year old...

No, they don't have poppy seed rolls, you angry Chicago dog purists...
Get over it.

They do dish up a nice grilled beef dog on a crusty, toasted hoagie kinda roll with a fun selection of random stuff to pile on top.

I dig The Dapper Dog, when they bother to show up...

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