I think I will start writing about some shit here...
I mean I do that anyway.
But not really.
So, I guess I am warning you that I may start posting about things here, in this old city new to me.
Because there is a tremendous shortage of folks spouting off about mundane shit on the internet, right?
Well, let's not dwell on that.
No, I am just talking about presenting some words relating to me relating with this city.
Food and art and whatever the hell else I care to bore you with...
I have avoided that, here...
I mean on this site.
Well, I guess that is all that happens here, really.
But you are here anyway...
Expect some more tags on posts.
Be ready for me to talk about crap art at galleries.
I will probably even rag on local eateries.
Why, the fuck, not?
Do not expect pictures.
You might see a link or something I steal off the web...
I am not about to start snapping pics like some sad Yelp'r whore, hoping for a free dessert.
I have shit to do...
I will just let you know what I think...
Be it a sandwich cart, gallery, artist or what have you.
I will tell you where to find it...
And you can go and make up your own mind, or not.
I will try to keep it on point.
I guess...
Hell, I can't even say what the point of this deal is...
Expect things to be all over the god-damned place.
They are, already.
Expect more of the same.
I mean shit, I am not some tourist guidebook, here.
I am just letting you know...
This is about to be the most relevant site dealing with the most cultural happenings in Philly (as that is where I happen to be)...
That also features weird ramblings from a crazy person.
I am just saying...
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