So, I have a new peeve today.
Something that really heats up my cool beans...
Those status updates on Facebook, which ask one to copy and paste something in support of a cause, group or thing.
Case in point.-
If you support our troops then please post this on your status and leave it there for one hour. There should be no excuses from anyone!!!! This should appear in everyone's status. Please do this for the ones that make this the Home of the Free because of the Brave!!!!
Now maybe I am way out in left field on this one, but fuck man, really?
This is but one example.
There are more than I care to read, on Facebook, on any given day.
Yes, I support out troops.
They are doing hard things...for the sake of a greater cause.
Of course I want all of those kids to make it home.
Do you really intend to guilt me into saying that?
Do you wish to imply that by not copying that into my status that I don't?
I mean really, that is just insulting.
It is insulting by implication...
If I don't copy some crap into a status box, I am implicitly saying I don't support our troops, or I want weaker laws regarding rapists, or perhaps that I hate fire fighters?
Screw that.
I am perfectly capable of making my opinions and support of causes known.
I might do that too much, by some folks standards...
And it has nothing to do with my motherfucking status on Facebook.
I am anti; crime, spam, privacy intrusion, gun control, unchecked government and pedophilia.
I am pro; organic farming, police, kittens, fire fighters, gay rights, teachers, science, community development, arts funding, troops and tacos.
And with that, I can formulate my own bastard public statements regarding such matters.
Thank you very much...
A suggestion that I copy and paste some simpleton shit opposing or favoring any of those given topics implies that I lack the wherewithal to communicate my own opinions on matters I deem relevant.
It infers that I am without a base understanding of the steps required to initiate change.
It states, by my selective silence, that I am an anti-social idiot.
You know what I find is more effective in changing the world?
Walking the fucking talk.
I vote for people that I think will deliver a reflection of my opinions.
I pay my exorbitant taxes.
I donate to charities I think will make a difference.
I actually talk with police officers in my neighborhood.
I take in stray cats and rescue dogs from the kennel.
I stop to help folks.
I listen to what people have to say.
I do shit.
We will never make the world a better place with some half-assed, inane internet bullshit.
For all of the talk about social media changing the world, it is no panacea, no substitute...
We improve out world by giving up our seat to someone more infirm, by sharing a bit of wealth with a person more in need.
We make the world better with actual in-person communication, generosity and a lot of damned work.
Copy that into your Facebook status...