Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lunch Spoiler

I am going to spoil lunch for you, simply because I have seen some totally creepy food shit this week.
Topping the list is this fish, which is still moving after being deep fried.

You shouldn't watch the video if you ever want to...
It is creepy.

Then, over in Moscow there was the story of homeless cannibals selling their leftovers to a kebab restaurant.
I suppose that cannibal corpse-kebabs should top the fish video on the graph of grossness.

Maybe the pending Thanksgiving holiday has me more attuned to food stuff, right now.

I swear, I have read thirty different articles on brining and roasting turkeys in the past week.
Which would be great if I had any intention of wrestling with a big bird this year.
I don't.

So, anyway, doesn't Vietnamese sandwich sound good. Maybe?

Well, in spite of everything I was just talking about, I mean...
Perhaps some pho?

I here that there is a joint by the new Asian market in my hood with the banh mi and the pho - that I haven't checked out.

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