Sunday, December 24, 2006

The first post...

Well, here it is, the all important first post. I am not sure why it is important, or if it is actually important at all. Regardless, here is the first post

"pretty not good" it is a quote, removed from it's original context. There is no prize for finding it's source, so don't bother searching, unless you just have to know. Anyway, I read it and thought that somebody had created a lovely sounding series of words. Sure, the grammar is whompy, but it has an appeal like a three legged dog.

At some point in the future I will do some standard blog bullshit. I will ramble on about mundane things. I will show you pictures of stupid things. I will spurt out poorly constructed arguements and opinions. I will assume that, for some unknown reason, you value my efforts.

I am sure it will be pretty not good...

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