Sunday, February 24, 2008

Scramble Up the Shitpile

The "democratic" process seems to be, well, weird to me today. Just a few days ago I was feeling relatively positive about the way things were bumping along. Note that I said relatively, not an unqualified positive.

I was thinking things were not so awful. It kind of seemed like, even with the Democrats still fighting amongst themselves and Huckabee making some point, we were left with a candidate group that I could believe some of the time. That, in my mind, is a comparative improvement over the current executive situation.

A couple of things have me nonplussed this morning...

McCain, did he bang the lobbyist or not? Do we really care? I guess the Republican base might care. It wasn't that long ago they were dying to impeach one of the candidates husbands for that type of thing. It sorta seems like a party on the attack, attack of their own candidate.

Mike, what is he doing? It seems like a lot of effort for a VP nod at this point. Did you notice how much he resembles Nixon? Creepy.

Clinton, why cry for more debates? Christ, that last one was like a hugfest. She spent the whole debate talking about how much her ideas were in line with Obama's - while smiling, all moon-eyed, nodding at the guy.
(Usually, I am a big fan of Tina Fey but last night she declared that "bitch is the new black" while promoting Hillary's efforts. I gotta say, I am not sure that is a slogan I want to be associated with. It reads badly, I would assume, across all demographics beyond the bitchy-white-babyboomer-female-Democrats and even in that group it will make some uncomfortable. Yikes.)

The Obama machine seems to be the only one not shooting at it's own feet. He needs to stay on message and avoid picking a Fred Eagleton if he gets the nod - he seems to be the McGovern of this cycle, and he seems to be pulling it off. The DNC has to be pissed, they built a complicated security system to prevent this sort of theft of the nomination. Shit, even the super-delegates are wavering...

And then, just today, fucking Ralph Nader announces. Really? We have to do that again? Is he on the RNC payroll? Can the Birkenstock shod, Berkeley-esque boomer bastards keep their Prius' in the garage this go around? It really is the greener choice.

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