Monday, November 12, 2007

Paint is funny stuff.

I have been painting more stuff on the car, as mentioned previously.

As you may know, I am a bit of a nut-job.
One of my nutty things, about the car, is that I am trying to make things look old. I am trying to make thigs look shiny but old.

See, old shiny paint looks different than new shiny paint. The old stuff does more of a glowing thing in the light, it's less mirror like. Do you know what I mean?

There is this old Buick Skylark that parks at the train station where I park, just once a week. Sundays. It is black and so original it inspires me to covet. It's gloss yet is is not quite glossy. It glows.

Through a crazy process I have been able to recreate that glow (to a close degree) on the T. I'll spare you a detailed description of what I do with/to paint but anyway, I do this nutty shit to make new paint look old.
I influence the paint to think about the history which it covers, we'll say.

Usually, at least.

Paint and I have been differing as of late. Perhaps the change of temperature or humidity have us squabling about the manner in which it lays down. So it is doing it's own thing and some things are a bit more shiny than glowy.

I figure some time will get us on the same page. That, plus me being the only person who will ever notice makes it all equal out.

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