So, KVC is on her way to Europe. An "inspiration" trip, reportedly.
We could all use a bit of the old inspiration, every now and again...
Today was also the Asphalt Invitational. One of those car shows I have used as a motivator, to get my own project done. I thought maybe I would get things together in time for this show, and a list of others, but no...
I didn't go to the Invitational, for the doing of domestic things and to work on the T a bit.
I did some yard work stuff, to cross off some chores on the List.
Following that I did some very manly stuff, finishing the floor in the Model T. Lots of time with a welder, hammer and grinder. Sparks flew. Manly stuff. indeed.
As I was nearing the end of tasks, I decided it would be good to order a pizza. See, it would add closure to the guy stuff - plus provide some nourishment in the coming week. So, I did, order a pizza that is...
Well, I opened up the garage door to air out the acrid welding smoke, ya know.
I cracked open another High Life and took in my afternoon's work.
Real manly, you can picture it surely.
I took notice of Derald's double-barrel, which serves as a reference to things extra John Wayne-esque, and realized that it could use a bit of oil.
Naturally, I hunkered down on the frame of the Model T and got to oiling that shotgun straight away.
So, pizza-guy shows up to a perceived maniac, in a garage roiling with smoke and the scent of burnt metal, swilling beer and polishing a shotgun on the chassis of what must be some illegal manner of automobile.
His teen, suburban California frame of reference has most all of these things available only in video games, with no connection to the real world.
Pizza-guy was somewhat disquieted.
Good pizza, though...