I just finished reading Madeline Albright's book
The Mighty and the Almighty. A good read, if you give a shit about comtemporary politics and the influence religion plays upon it. So, perhaps, one of the most important books a person might read, at present.
Madam Secretary Albright has an intense understanding of the current situation we occupy in the world scene. The book speaks to our current administration, that of the various countries in the Middle-East, the relevant current Muslin leaders and the whole bit. I would go on, but you should just read it. She has the deal down - to a degree that nearly every American I know seems like a grade school shit.
I had the pleasure of hosting Madeline, along with George Schultz, last night at work. They did a talk for the Asia Foundation with a Q&A bit. Perhaps the most reasoned conversation on our place in the world I have ever heard, from two people who have shaped our most recent place in the world.
By the way, hosting former international policy leaders is far more interesting then helping some douchebag cue up his PowerPoint presentations on selling some crap that nobody needs. Setting a "world stage" is far and away better than the usual day-to-day...