Saturday, January 10, 2009

Keep your eyes ahead

Watching this is almost enough to make me really miss Portland.

The low budget, uber-earnest images of Portland flittering in the background.

I have always said that Portland always looks better in the dark, in the rain.
At 3AM in PDX, you are likely well tossed, have perhaps seen some naked ladies writhing around, played hours of billiards and had some spicy spam mac.

When you walk out of that shitty restuarant under the overpass, with the Rainier pounder you got for the road, there is that Portland mist.

It's not quite rain, but too wet to be fog. And there is cold.

And that mist, with tiny droplets on your eyelashes, makes the city sparkle.
Portland sparkles the same way the strippers of the city do; reality obscured into beauty by a magical distortion.

That doesn't, really, have anything to do with Portland band THe Helio Sequence.

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