Friday, August 28, 2009

Radical Rules Ring

This "street legal" car just chalked up a new record for a trip around the ring.

Sure we could discuss the practicality of this car being driven on the street.
I am sure many would say that this isn't quite a "street" car, but rather a race car with turn signals.

To which I can only answer with "Stop being such a pussy."

I think this might me the perfect car to run up to Callistoga in, or maybe down 101 to Monterrey.
You know, a weekend jaunt...

We could talk about a lack of room for luggage, but really, what more do you need than some fresh socks and drawers? Maybe a jacket?

Not all car need to be god damned luxury land barges, with DVD players, navigation and things like seat cushions.
Some cars should just really good at doing what cars are supposed to do.

Some cars should just be brutal, viscous, sphincter challenging machines.

My only problem with this car is that it is named Radical.
You bastards need to consider rebranding.

Anyway, breaking records for hauling ass...
That is cool.

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