Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day Off

So, listen, I don't know where you head is on topics like gun control, or concealed carry laws, or any of that.

Neither do I know what you think of cops shooting people.

I keep my thoughts on those subjects rather to myself, because my thoughts are all over the place on those topics lately...

But, regardless of where any of us stand on these subjects, I propose that we just try out a National Don't Shoot Anybody day.

Just a day, to take a break from shooting people...

I mean, we have pie days, hot dog day, potato day...
How about we try a day where we, collectively, agree to not send bullets into other people?

If you are in favor of more gun control, it probably won't change your plans for that day.
Likewise, if you own guns, carry them, or whatever, probably no change in daily plans for you either.

Just one day, to see how it feels...

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