Thursday, March 7, 2013

Groundhog Day

Yeah, I may have missed musing much on the actual Groundhog Day nonsense.
I think that little varmint bastard is a sham deal anyway, false hope and all that...

But I do dig the movie.  It's a great movie.

My head space roughly parallels this clip, at the moment, but that is another topic.

I was doing the evening routine, the other night, and this was on.
I sorta bustled through things with it in the background, sorta watching every other fifteen minutes of it, if you get what I am saying...
Watched most of the end scene, the romantic, sappy part, that resolves the whole pastiche of recurring winter malaise...then went out to walk the dogs.
When I got back, do you wanna guess what was on?
Yup, another round of the same movie, Groundhog Day...

Fucking brilliant.

Some people wonder just what the hell it will be like when I actually take over the world.
Sure, it sounds a little scary, with all the Baboonbot talk, and moon bases and what not...
Understand, that is part of a transitional phase.
Folks don't want to just hand me the keys to global governance, you know.
Their may be a bit of a struggle, before you can bask in warm embrace of my world domination.

It's all for the good, though...
I think I have some really sweet ideas on what sorta things need to change, around here.
Example - a broadcast channel that shows an endless loop of the movie Groundhog Day.

Wouldn't that be awesome?

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