Thursday, May 21, 2009

Taking Over World

I have been all over the place lately, on my various projects to assist in my taking over the world. I realized I hadn't really shared much about that here, lately.

I mentioned in a previous post that one of my principal backers was arrested and convicted for operating a giant investment ponzi scheme. I was forced to look for some new capital partners, which included a certain guy who is just way too into the moon base idea.

So, progress on the baboonbots has been slow. My desire to make one of the hands into a squidlike appendage seems to be overly complex to engineer genetically. Attempts to graft an actual squid onto the end of a baboonot arm have been equally unsuccessful. I still really like the idea, but the first generation of baboonbots may not have a squid hand.

The framus reactor is up and fully functional, these days. Finally. Some early problems with the cooling system have been sorted, with an additional dilithium modulator circuit.

I have been tinkering with a giant mechanized suit, for myself, as you can see in the picture. I don't really have a specific plan for the suit, but it seems like a good thing to have around for taking over the world.
It'll be good for parades, if nothing else.
I am building in extra-atmospheric capabilities, what with the whole big push on the moon base stuff and to shut up up Branson.

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