Monday, February 11, 2008


Pig year is over.
Thank f-ing Christ, or Buddha, what ever.

Lots of folks seemed to have a hard time in the year of the Golden Pig. I was optimistic, I mean how could pork be bad? It seems that the pig is best saved for searing over a hot flame than serving as some lunar cycle.
But, enough about that.

It is the year of the Rat!

In some manner of cosmic confluessence, one of the local museums is going to have a show dedicated to Ed Roth. How about that?

I try to not read the descriptions on any of the Chinese calender things. If you look to closely, you start to notice that they are all pretty similar. So, I am going with a weirdo theme for the year of the rat.

Are ya with me on this? I mean rats are sort of disgusting, under certain circumstances. They can seem weird, in our perceptions and desires to avoid another black plague.
But why not embrace their knack for survival in spite of adversity this year. We are quickly becoming not unlike them.

There is a book by a guy that studied and lived with the rats of New York, for a year. You know, to get acquainted with their ratty civilization. It's on the reading list for sure.

They just recently dicovered a different species of giant rats in Jakarta. I have seen some big rats in my time, especially in the back alleys along High street, but that is a big-ass rat.
When was the last time you heard of the discoery of a new species of mammal? Sure, we kill off twenty or thirty species a day. Isn't it nice to hear they found one?
And it's a big weird rat!
(Note, they also discovered miniature opossums in the same area.)

By complete coincidence, I have been doing some work in the lab developing some bio-robo interfaces. Some great advances have been made with, yeah, rats!
Things have gone so well with the rats, I may incorporate them in the master plan.

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